There are things I can't take pictures of.Belle has started to really become a little person lately. She does all sorts of cute things I can't take pictures of. She's started playing this game with me when we're eating. She'll shake her head no until she's ready for the next spoonful, but once she's done shaking her head she'll look at me until I shake mine yes before she opens her mouth. I told people about it and now whenever someone shakes their head yes at her she shakes hers no.
She sings. When we're in the car and the music is on if you listen close you can hear her singing along. Little 'la-la-la's'. It's quite cute. She also does it when we're singing to her. She also claps her hands a lot. Everytime someone claps on tv, she's right there clapping along. Oprah has become a very loud hour in our house.
She's now crawling all over the house and I can't get a picture of it in motion, plus whenever she sees the camera she stops crawling and puts on a big smile for a pose. Too funny.
She's learned the word no and knows when she's in a place she shouldn't be. She ducks her head a little bit and closes her eyes when her shirt is going over her head. She knows that when her jacket is on it's time to go to the car and when Nick walks through the door she gets all excited to see him.
It amazes me how many things she's learned when I feel like I've taught her so little.