Monday, May 29, 2006

This weekend I got to see Isabella in action with other kids for the first time. We do our share of volunteering in the nursery, we've just always ended up in another room than Belle. And we don't know anyone in Calgary with kids, so she just interacts with adults.

However, this weekend we went to Edmonton and she got to play with some kids. I was watching her to see which stereotype she would fit, hoping she wasn't the bully and also hoping she wasn't the pushover. I think I'd have to classify her as the "Wal-Mart Greeter". Each time someone entered the room she went over to say hi and reached out to touch them, (she hasn't quite gotten hugs yet). It was cute, although it seemed a bit scary to some. She ran around the room trying out each new toy and although she wasn't the loner in the corner, she was content to play with her own things next to another child. It was nice to see that she didn't cry when another child took the toy she was playing with, and that she didn't grab too much when someone was playing with a toy she wanted. And I was super impressed when I said "Can you help me clean up?" and she did! At home I just scoop up her toys before bed, but we will now start including her in the picking up cuz I know she gets it.

But perhaps the best part for me was how she treated the newborn in the room. She gently touched his hair and smiled. From a distance she would watch him with her hands under her chin, studying his every move while cooing "oooh, ahhh". Although at one point I sat her a bit too close and her hands got away from her and he got smacked with a toy, (so sorry by the way), she did very good visiting a baby. I hope she enjoys our new baby just as much!

It was nice to see her play with other kids, I hope we see a lot more of it!


the Haazens :) said...

That is sweet=) I love watching Gid with the kids in the nursery too. It's just so interesting to see how they all interact. Very good teaching times too, as he is one of the 'bully' types who is prone to throw things if things don't go his way! Typical PK? I dunno. Either way it's a great time to teach him to be gentle=)

Elizabeth said...

Looking for kids in Calgary? I can hook you up!! Check

Jen said...

I love watching Abby interact with other kids. It's so interesting to see their personalities pop out. If someone snatches a toy from Abby, in my head and I'm chanting- Snatch it back Abby! Go get it! lol.

I didn't know Belle was walking ... oops ...

Jen said...

I love watching Abby interact with other kids. It's so interesting to see their personalities pop out. If someone snatches a toy from Abby, in my head and I'm chanting- Snatch it back Abby! Go get it! lol.

I didn't know Belle was walking ... oops ...

Jen said...
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