Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Santa Claus Parade 2006
Isabella with her friend Madison snuggling in to enjoy the parade.

At the end of the parade my little hot chocolate stained babe was full of energy, but tired. Brooklyn slept through the whole thing all snuggly in her carseat.

This is a video of Belle enjoying the Santa Claus Parade. It was on November 12, but I guess it's better late than never to see these things. We went with Belle's older friend Madison. She's 6. It was a small town parade and Belle enjoyed it all. She didn't understand the big deal about Santa at the end or why it was over. She sang along to all the music and waved hello and good-bye to everyone!

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1 comment:

the Haazens :) said...

She is totally adorable watching the parade! Christmas is only going to get funner and funner=)