Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I took Isabella for her two year photo shoot and it was a good one. I let the photographer know that she isn't too keen on having to sit down for her pictures and she really likes props. We started off with the "2" in the picture and those ones were great. It was hard to choose which pose to go with.

Next we decided to try sitting/laying down, I'm not totally sure why we tried that. Isabella balked at all the poses, but since there were two sets of hands and I wasn't taking the pictures I did my best to get her to comply. There was a cute attempt at having her lay on a mirror, it was a no go. Then she tried some pictures of Belle's toes which were silly. Finally she
set Belle down like this and Belle was crying as I had predicted. However, she did the cutest thing ever! Isabella never sucks on her thumb. I have never even seen it in her mouth before. While she was crying she all of a sudden stuck her thumb in her mouth and we got this picture. Adorable, worth all the crying.

We got her all cleaned up again and sat her in the "princess chair", and she got some cute pics. The photographer tried to do the toe pictures again, but when Isabella got bored I didn't try to prolong the event. It was another great photo day.


Lamb said...

Wow, is she ever growing up!

Anonymous said...

What a doll! And holy cow, are there ever a lot of your genes in that little body! :)

Lilene said...

These are so precious. She seems so sweet and playful with that little smile.

Anonymous said...

She's SO big!
Where does the time go!?

Jen said...

So cute! She has the same Princess sandals as Abby. :)

kelle said...

Cute pictures!!