Monday, July 16, 2007

I can hardly believe that Brooklyn is nine months old already. I seem to recall wondering when time was going to start zooming by during Isabella's first year, it really did feel like that year took forever. With Brooklyn things are just zooming by. One day she was laying there, a helpless blob that needed me for everything. Now she's all over the place.

At nine months Brooklyn is quite small, just over 12 lbs, but she is larger than life! Her eyes really convey her emotion whatever it may be: tiredness, joy, hurt, frustration. All you have to do is look into those huge baby blues and you know exactly what she's thinking.

Her skills include; sitting by herself, rolling by herself, pulling herself up to standing with anything, crawling, climbing over anything to get what she wants. She can clap her hands and click her tongue. She's begun to wave. She babbles a lot and pronounces da-da and ba-ba. She understands a lot of words like 'up' and 'bath'. Both of which get her very excited.

Brooklyn is busy, busy, busy all the time. I'm not sure if that's going to be her personality or if she just feels like she has to keep up with her sister right now. It's so very exciting to see how she has grown in 9 short months. It's wonderful to have been able to fall in love with her and not just the idea of her. At the moment Isabella has the role of tomboy down pat, Brooklyn isn't our girlie girl, but I think I'd give her the label of urban chic. It will be so interesting to look back and see how she changes and how she stays the same.

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