Saturday, January 28, 2006

Eating at our house is getting more and more adventurous. The other night we had hashbrown casserole which I gave Belle in her bowl because it sticks really well to the bowl and I wouldn't have to worry about it all over the floor. Good thing too. She has also become a true North American as last night she had her first Mickey D's. Tonight's adventure-spaghetti!


the Haazens :) said...

I'm feelin' the food on the floor dilema. Some days I get lazy and just figure whatever fell will eventually get eaten throughout the day. And yes, Gideon loves McDees too...I just don't get what it is about McDonald's and kids. It's like they put some sort of magical ingredient in their food that makes kids crave it (and some adults too). I must say I rarely crave it now after working there for a summer in high school...yea, you don't even want to know. T.

Jen said...

Alright Belle! The more like us they eat, the easier it is!