Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Today during lunch Isabella dropped her sippy cup under her highchair and it fell a bit under the couch. I forgot about it after lunch and so it stayed there for a bit, until Isabella spotted it and went after it. She crawled under the high chair claimed her prize and then sat up to take a swig. She was kinda stuck between the highchair and the couch, and before rescuing her I couldn't help but snap these photos of her baby's plumber butt. I have no idea how it happens. Those diapers are huge and seem to go halfway up her back, but everyday a little bit into play time that crack just pops out. It's adorable. For now anyways. We'll have to find a remedy before Kindergarten.


wandi said...

What a cute plumbers butt she has. It's so great that you capture memories like this. Although I'm sure Belle won't like them when she grows up. Who cares though. Moms can get away with taking pics of cute stuff like this. That's a moms privelage.

Jen said...

So sweet. That is a cute little bum!

Isn't that one of lifes biggest mysteries: How can that tiny little bum crack sneak out of that humongous diaper? Happens to Abby regularily!