Saturday, February 25, 2006

My little Mimic.
I have been puking a lot lately and I try to make sure that Isabella can't hear me or see me go to the bathroom to do it, but I do keep the door open so I can hear her should she pull a shelf onto herself or drown herself in water from the water cooler-again. I thought I was doing a good job, until today when she got into the bathroom and it took me a minute or two to get to her. I thought to myself "do I even have a clean shirt for her now that she's soaked to the elbows from playing in toilet water?" But when I got to the bathroom she wasn't playing in the water. Instead she was standing slightly bent over the bowl coughing into it. I guess she sees more than I think she does!


Jen said...

Are you serious??!?!?! That is crazy that she picked up on that. Smart cookie.

kelle said...

Craziness!! It's funny what they will do, hey? But what a great reminder that we need to be VERY careful what we say and do around those precious little ones.