Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Isabella is doing amazing things on a regular, and lately, daily basis. Yesterday I was making baked apples for dinner. One rolled out of the cupboard and across the floor. Belle picked it up and began eating it like I do. I never showed her how to do this, and she just started doing it on her own. She ate a quarter of the apple!
We do not have stairs in our home, however just outside our door where we do our laundry there are stairs to the entry of our building. She has often crawled over to them and used them to stand up, but never tried to get up them. We've never showed her how. Then yesterday a lady came to the door to take a census and I was filling out her paperwork, I glanced down and there Belle was standing on the second stair! Ohmigosh. I ran down and got her right away so she wouldn't fall backward. Hopefully I'll get a pic of that when Nick is home and can make sure all is safe.
Her laugh has evolved to include a snort at the end and sometimes she chooses just to snort.
She is walking while only holding one of our hands which is nice for my back, but not yet taking independant steps. Her only word is still hello. Which I'm sure is because she's around me all the time, and I don't talk much. I'm trying though, but as long as she's walking by the time the baby is here, I don't mind if she's not talking.
She does a lot of things it seems whenever she has the opportunity and I hope I can continue to give her new opportunities so she can continue to amaze us every day.


Jen said...

She is so adorable with that apple! :)

wandi said...

She is so adorable. I love the apple pics too.