Rolling, rolling, rolling! Brooklyn has started rolling over. She loves to balance on one side and watch the world go by. I haven't yet seen her roll over but I know she does it. We leave her in bed for her afternoon nap flat on her back and not on any sort of incline. When we go to get her she has rolled over to her front and is usually calling for us with all limbs flailing. I can't wait until I get to see her roll over.
She has also begun doing a lot of talking. She coos and gurgles and has this very petite sounding language all her own. When she starts to talk Isabella gets down right next to her and starts talking back in a sing-song sort of voice 'really brook-a-lyn, wow'. Nick was watching them do this interaction yesterday and commented how he can't wait until they start talking to each other. I'm excited too, although I'm a little frightened there might not be enough air time for the two of them to share. Our house is going to be a loud house one day and I can hardly wait.