Saturday, January 20, 2007


Isabella has been getting into a lot of mischief lately. This picture shows her finding the "hiding" spot for her crayons. We put them up because she has been coloring on everything again. So we take them away to only be used with supervision for a bit, then when she's diligently coloring on paper only we allow her to color whenever she wants. She found the crayons, wrote all over her table and then proceeded to bite the end off the brown one. Gross. She has also not been napping so well. Twice this week I went upstairs to find the entire contents of a package of diaper wipes strewn about her room. I was able to find containers for the first package, but most of the second package ended up in the trash. She decided to stash a lot of it in her toys and toy box and in the pages of books to hide the evidence. She got in a lot of trouble for that one. I still didn't learn my lesson though. I left a package of diaper wipes on top of her shelf in her closet, (which she can reach), it was unopened. The safety seal was still on the part you pull the wipes out of. She figured out how to open it and was in the midst of tearing them out when we caught her. Sneaky girl. She is learning to be quiet. She has also begun undressing herself in the morning before she calls us to say she's awake and she is climbing on everything. I can hardly wait for Spring, I think she has cabin fever already!


Elizabeth said...

Ha- the things that I have to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

Did you take pictures? - because truly, in a few years you WILL look back and laugh at her cuteness in the whole thing! Some kids are waaaaayyyyy too smart for their parents, you were one, she appears to be one too! Try a video - America's Funniest Videos give away a lot of money!

the Haazens :) said...

Sounds like you've got trouble on your hands=) You're brave to even let her play with crayons at all...we still stick to the Color Wonder markers/fingerpaints just so there's no mess!

BTW, I'm so glad you are still doing a website with the kids...I just found it today again (duh on my part!) and CUTENESS is an understatement! Keep the pics and posts coming...I love seeing the girls grow=)