Monday, January 08, 2007

I just saw some amazing family pictures in honor of the new addition to their lives, (thanks T!), and it got me thinking about doing a family photo shoot. Oh wait, we've tried that. Even my uncle who is a photographer can't get Isabella to sit still. I am at war within me. I really want those awesome white t-shirt and jeans pictures of the whole family in the woods, but I think those will have to wait until my kids are in school and can sit still for seconds in the double digits. For example, we just wanted a picture of each girl with this bear. Brooklyn had to be held the entire time, (yep I'm ducked down behind him and camoflauging my arms), and when we tried for the same pose with Isabella this was the best we could get. Do you notice her launching herself off the chair! This picture of Belle and the bear is the best one because all the others are her on the ground in some phase of a wrestling match with the darned animal. At least in this one you can see her face and not just her butt after she whupped him. I wonder if I can purchase a straight jacket. I'll tell them it's for my sanity, and it is, even though Belle will be wearing it.


Elizabeth said...

wrestling match pictures tell the stories of our lives, don't they?

the Haazens :) said...

That bear looks totally HUGE when Brooklyn is in it and tiny beside Belle! Hilarious about the straight jacket...some days I think I'd like to check myself into the nut house just to get some peace and quiet!!