Monday, November 07, 2005

Enough with the updating.

This is a fairly recent picture of Belle and her latest development. She has joined a nudist colony. A nudist colony where they are concerned about their feet, hence the socks. Belle has been able to roll over for quite some time now, but until recently she hasn't done so on her change table. After one particularily heinous poop I stepped to the bathroom to rinse out the washcloth in order to give her one final good wipe. Seeing as she hadn't rolled on her change table yet I decided this would be fine. I came back a minute later to find her like this. So I ran down the length of the house to grab the camera and get a picture. She's just too cute. She spent the next five minutes trying to figure out how to grab the mobile that hangs above her bed and is just out of this picture. So funny. I think she'll enjoy the nudist colony. I'm glad their concerned about the well being of her feet.

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