Thursday, November 17, 2005

I have been trying for quite some time now to get Belle to crawl. She gets on all fours and rocks back and forth happy as a clam. Now, I've moved her arms and legs to show her how it's done, I've crawled to her and away from her so she can see it in action, I've put toys just out of her reach so she has to crawl to get them. She just wont do it. She watches me with great amusement. In order to get things she does a push up, hurls her body forward and then reaches out her arm to touch what she wants. Resourceful she is, crawling she is not.

She has always liked to stand however, so we make sure she gets some time on her feet everyday. Some days it's in the exersaucer and some days it's with us holding her upright. The other day Nick decided to hold her hands the way you do when a child is learning to walk but doesn't have balance- and she took off. One foot in front of the other, ten steps at a time, giggling the whole way. Now, she can't pull herself up yet, (granted we don't have much for her to practice on), but once she's vertical she just goes. It's truly crazy. And she giggles and talks excitedly the whole time. We found her the other day in the crawling position, but not trying to crawl. She was trying to figure out how to get her left foot flat on the ground like it is when she walks. Will she ever crawl? I don't know. I know some babies don't, but it's so bizarre to me how she can motor along on her feet. How great. Good thing we started babyproofing the house!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah man, and I just missed that lol, I guess I came down a weekend early eh lol.
