Sunday, November 13, 2005

This is the first toy we've bought Belle. It's part of a fisher price line of toys called Peek a Blocks. There are little clear plastic balls with various things inside them like tiny animal figurines and stuff like that. With this one the balls go in the top, then Belle presses a handle and the balls come down a chute and out the front while it plays music. Belle is great at pressing the handle and loves when the music starts to play. She can grasp the balls in her hand, she even palms them, and we can roll them back and forth to each other. She is still learning to put the balls in the top though. Most times she just grabs the blue rim across the top and starts chewing on it! The little balls go everywhere and it's great practice for Belle as she almost has the hang of crawling. She follows the little balls all over the living room, and usually we have to rescue her from the piece of furniture she has gotten stuck under. There are several other units in this line of toys that look very cool. There is one that she can push like a lawn mower or vaccum cleaner and it picks up the blocks and shoots them out, it will be great when she's learning to walk. I used to think that baby toys were just loud and annoying, but now I'm learning how they help her learn things.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Peek-A-Blocks! I think I have about a zillion of those around my place right now. Abby has the Peek-A-Blocks choo choo train. You push the button and it goes around the house, with animals in all it's compartments, spinning, lifting, bouncing. So cute.