Monday, August 13, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007

Arthur. There was a button and when

After Nick was done his haircut we had other things to do and Isabella did not want to ride in the stroller. When we walk out in public places she has to either hold our hand or the stroller. She chose the stroller this day so that she could keep an eye on Brooklyn, just making sure she was enjoying

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
At nine months Brooklyn is quite small, just over 12 lbs, but she is larger than life! Her eyes really convey her emotion whatever it may be: tiredness, joy, hurt, frustration. All you have to do is look into those huge baby blues and you know exactly what she's thinking.
Her skills include; sitting by herself, rolling by herself, pulling herself up to standing with anything, crawling, climbing over anything to get what she wants. She can clap her hands and click her tongue. She's begun to wave. She babbles a lot and pronounces da-da and ba-ba. She understands a lot of words like 'up' and 'bath'. Both of which get her very excited.
Brooklyn is busy, busy, busy all the time. I'm not sure if that's going to be her personality or if she just feels like she has to keep up with her sister right now. It's so very exciting to see how she has grown in 9 short months. It's wonderful to have been able to fall in love with her and not just the idea of her. At the moment Isabella has the role of tomboy down pat, Brooklyn isn't our girlie girl, but I think I'd give her the label of urban chic. It will be so interesting to look back and see how she changes and how she stays the same.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Our Jr. Jay
Afterwards we went to the Pro Shop because Nick needed a new hat and had a gift card from his birthday. Isabella found this dude and climbed up on his sneaker all by herself for this pose. She didn't say anything because there were people watching her and saying "She's so cute....". Belle clues into that and puts on this grin. It says "I'm humoring you." She kept on giving me the eyebrow wiggle until I took her picture though. She definitely knows what she wants.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
It's always great for me when two of my fabulous friends from school get married. That way there's only one place to visit to see two people! For the last few years I've been able to see some or all of the Quick family once a year. It's been such a blessing to be able to see their family grow, and Matt and Charity are the kind of friends that you can skip over the "catching up" small talk stuff after a long absence.
This time we got to see the whole Quick family and it was such a treat to have their kids play with ours. Cadence and Isabella hung out in the nursery together and after the service were holding hands to drag one another into mischief. They were fast friends and even though their visit was about a month ago Isabella still asks for Cady every now and then.

Brooklyn and Levi didn't get to say anything we could understand, but they really enjoyed each other's company. Those eyes of Brooklyn's sort of look like crying eyes, but she's really smiling. I think we may have a few future husbands to choose from for that little tyke. Levi is absolutely adorable and it was super great to get to meet him!

I can hardly wait for next year's visit and I'm sure my kids are excited too!

I really do not know how to describe this action of my daughter's except to say it's scary. She gets up on her heels and the back of her head like the middle picture shows. Then she reaches for what she wants like the bottom picture shows and then she sort of flattens out as she creeps toward the wanted object like in the first picture.

She has a belly crawl and gets around even faster that way. Yet when she gets fixated on something that she wants and she' s on her back she doesn't take the time to flip over to crawl properly to it she gets there on her back.
It's a little frightening the way her head folds under her shoulders having me completely scared that her neck is going to snap in half. It never happens, she just straightens herself out and scooches around to where she wants to go. It's crazy.

I haven't been able to catch it on video, and we flip her to her front when she does it to try and discourage her. Not because we don't want her to feel free to be herself, but she's lightening quick in the movement and trying to change the diaper on a kid doing this move is not easy.
At least we know her neck is strong. Seriously, what part of this girl isn't strong? UFC here she comes.
Friday, May 25, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Next we decided to try sitting/laying down, I'm not totally sure why we tried that. Isabella balked at all the poses, but since there were two sets of hands and I wasn't taking the pictures I did my best to get her to comply. There was a cute attempt at having her lay on a mirror, it was a no go. Then she tried some pictures of Belle's toes which were silly. Finally she

set Belle down like this and Belle was crying as I had predicted. However, she did the cutest thing ever! Isabella never sucks on her thumb. I have never even seen it in her mouth before. While she was crying she all of a sudden stuck her thumb in her mouth and we got this picture. Adorable, worth all the crying.

Thursday, March 01, 2007
Tetra Tropical Granuales $22.99
Algae Waffers $22.99
The fish tank is up! There's water in it! As far as putting fish into the tank we wont know if that is a real possibility until Saturday the 10th. As far as putting fish into it, it's a pretty delicate process and the fish would have to bought the day of. After some discussion and the reality of this endeavour sinking in, I've come to a conclusion. The best way to get some fish into the tank will be for Nick and Jeff to go pick them up and if you were wanting to bring fish just put the money in a card and it will be spent on the fish. (Does that make sense?). If there's more money given than the fish cost, it will be held until we add more fish or the fish need food. It will only be spent on the fish.
Jeff just finished showing us some fish choices to help us figure out what we want to populate Belle's tank with. I'll post some pictures of the fish we've chosen to go with as soon as I can find them.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Rolling, rolling, rolling! Brooklyn has started rolling over. She loves to balance on one side and watch the world go by. I haven't yet seen her roll over but I know she does it. We leave her in bed for her afternoon nap flat on her back and not on any sort of incline. When we go to get her she has rolled over to her front and is usually calling for us with all limbs flailing. I can't wait until I get to see her roll over.
She has also begun doing a lot of talking. She coos and gurgles and has this very petite sounding language all her own. When she starts to talk Isabella gets down right next to her and starts talking back in a sing-song sort of voice 'really brook-a-lyn, wow'. Nick was watching them do this interaction yesterday and commented how he can't wait until they start talking to each other. I'm excited too, although I'm a little frightened there might not be enough air time for the two of them to share. Our house is going to be a loud house one day and I can hardly wait.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Isabella has been getting into a lot of mischief lately. This picture shows her finding the "hiding" spot for her crayons. We put them up because she has been coloring on everything again. So we take them away to only be used with supervision for a bit, then when she's diligently coloring on paper only we allow her to color whenever she wants. She found the crayons, wrote all over her table and then proceeded to bite the end off the brown one. Gross. She has also not been napping so well. Twice this week I went upstairs to find the entire contents of a package of diaper wipes strewn about her room. I was able to find containers for the first package, but most of the second package ended up in the trash. She decided to stash a lot of it in her toys and toy box and in the pages of books to hide the evidence. She got in a lot of trouble for that one. I still didn't learn my lesson though. I left a package of diaper wipes on top of her shelf in her closet, (which she can reach), it was unopened. The safety seal was still on the part you pull the wipes out of. She figured out how to open it and was in the midst of tearing them out when we caught her. Sneaky girl. She is learning to be quiet. She has also begun undressing herself in the morning before she calls us to say she's awake and she is climbing on everything. I can hardly wait for Spring, I think she has cabin fever already!